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School Profile

School Mission

River Oaks Academy is founded on the belief that all children are born with their own uniqueness and with great potential. Our mission is to help children discover, nurture and sustain the passion that will lead to self-motivated, fulfilling, lifelong achievement, careers and relationships. To this end, we offer an enriched, non-traditional, TK-12, personalized learning, independent study program.

School Information

River Oaks Academy is a personalized learning, public, charter school with two campuses located in Ventura County, California. Our families are fully supported by credentialed, caring teachers. River Oaks Academy supports a variety of learning and teaching styles and encourages “out-of-the-box” approaches to learning and curriculum. We personalize education to meet our families’ needs. River Oaks Academy is a public, tuition-free, charter school. We are open to any student who wishes to participate in a personalized, independent study program. River Oaks Academy is exploration-based and creative, providing children with the opportunity to address the California content standards in a variety of methods. We incorporate onsite classes for socialization, parent participation, and parent education. Our Counselor is a member of the National Association of College Admissions Counselors; and one our CTE teachers is a member of the Association for Career and Technical Education. River Oaks Academy is accredited by the Western Association for Schools and Colleges, certified by the NCAA, and received the CBEE 2016 Honor Roll School award.


River Oaks Academy offers more than 150 A-G courses approved by the University of California and the California State University systems. We offer college preparatory and honor courses. We are an approved SAT Test Center, offering the SAT School Day Exams and the PSAT. River Oaks Academy is sanctioned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to certify high school student athletes to qualify for NCAA Division I and Division II college athletic programs. We also work closely with the Ventura County Career Education Center as we continue to build a comprehensive career and college exploration program. In addition to our main campus in Westlake Village, California, River Oaks Academy features an additional resource center in Oxnard, California, in order to better serve our students who reside in the west Ventura County area.

College Preparatory Curriculum

River Oaks Academy offers more than 150 College Preparatory, Honors, and Advanced Placement courses approved by the University of California and the California State University. A list of the River Oaks UC/CSU approved courses can be found here:

Ventura County Career Education Program And Career Pathways

In partnership with the Ventura County Career Education Program, River Oaks Academy is pleased to offer a wide range of career-oriented courses at the CEC campus in Camarillo. More information about the Ventura County CEC can be found at

In addition, River Oaks students are encouraged to   complete a Career Pathway in one or more of the following areas: Hospitality and Tourism, Networking, and Legal Pathways. Information regarding Career Pathways is available is available at

Concurrent Community College Enrollment

A substantial number of River Oaks Academy students take advantage of concurrent enrollment opportunities at our local community colleges. Students are awarded 10 high school credits for each UC/CU transferable college course of 3 or more units, and 5 high school credits for each non- transferable college course of 3 or more units. Variable credit is awarded for college courses of less than 3 units.

For the 2022/23 school year, River Oaks Academy students completed a total of 66 college courses. 94% of those students earned marks of A or B.

College Testing Opportunities

River Oaks Academy participates in the SAT School Day testing program, offering the SAT to River Oaks students on our campus on school days twice each year. We also offer the PSAT to our students on our campus in October.

2023-24 College Testing Information

SAT Mean Total Score:1131 Mean SAT Reading/Writing: 585

Mean SAT Math: 545

Grading And Grade Point Average Calculation

River Oaks Academy does not rank students; we do not report a weighted grade point average. River Oaks Academy reports the following grade point averages:

Academic: includes all marks grades 9-12, except Physical Education;
Cal Grant: includes all marks, grades 10 and 11, except Physical Education;
Total GPA: includes all marks, grades 9-12.

Grading Scale:

A= 4 grade points B= 3 grade points C= 2 grade points D= 1 grade point F and Withdrawal = 0 grade points

2024-2025 High School Profile